Wednesday, November 23, 2011

La Vieille Grange

From Theo and Jane.
Well I have been dragged screaming and kicking into the 21 century. This very Silver Surfer is just blogging for the very first time to say thank you to one and all who have stayed with us this year. We must have done quite a lot right as a lot of you have re-booked for next year. Thank you so much as we have enjoyed every moment of having you stay.
Bread Oven
Next year we are hoping that I have had time to renovate our own Wood fired bread oven and can do our bread making and baking demonstrations here and show our guests how it is done. It's a very important part of  French history that is disappearing at a very fast rate. People are sadly knocking them down when they renovate for the stone. Most of the farms and little Hamlets had their own wood fired bread ovens which was a real part of the community. After the bread and cakes were baked they would then put their meats in the oven and leave it for the rest of the time until the oven had cooled down, a bit like a slow cooker. There is no other taste like it.
My 'Office' at the moment is a bread oven in the next village where my Friend Jean-Paul and I run it as a charity showing children, tourists and local French people how to make and bake the humble but important French Boule. My claim to fame is that I have taught the television chef James Martin how it is done the 'French way'

My office.

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